Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia 10th December - International Human Rights Day
The International Day of Human Rights - 10th December for the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, the workers- citizens of the Republic of Macedonia is of a great importance.
On this day in 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on whose foundation the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia and other legal regulations are based on. Thus our country belongs to the world of modern developed democratic societies in which workers – the citizens enjoy basic human rights.
This year's World Day of Human Rights is dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action adopted at the World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna in June 1993 and the creation of the post High Commissioner for Human Rights.
The celebration of this day coincides with the death of the great and famous fighter for human rights, campaigner against apartheid - Nelson Mandela who after 27 years spent in prison has won the Nobel Prize on Peace. Mandela was the first black president of South Africa, elected in a democratic and free election - which left a precious heritage of their country and its people. Mandela's triumph as a great man and a politician known for his belief that people have more in common with each other than differences and need to be respected and to use peaceful resolution of conflicts not weapons.
Appreciated around the world Nelson Mandela will be remembered as the man who proved that the size of a man is fighting not only for his/her freedom but for the freedom of others as well. The most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world is the education according to Mandela. His thought is that when you climb on a high mountain you realize that there are many mountains to be climbed as well. A man should not hate others; he/she should love because love is much closer to human nature.
Mandela is part of world history to fight for human rights; he is a hero, a legend and an inspiration to many world leaders and politicians, freedom movements around the world, charismatic man who had sacrificed his own freedom for the freedom of his people and future generations with unselfish struggle for human dignity, equality and justice.
In Republic of Macedonia in compliance with the Constitution and labor regulation, every worker, every citizen has the right to: work, proper earning, health and safety working conditions and social security. Each employee has exercised the basic human right to voluntarily organizing and affiliation in trade unions, and to strive for the realization and promotion of working rights and interests, practicing democratic principles and methods, primarily through social dialogue at all levels, negotiation and collective bargaining. Unionized and affiliated, the workers in Republic of Macedonia have an impact on the improvement of their living standards, positive economic and social policies and the overall status and progress of the country.