Social and Economic Council’s Session
On 1.11.2013 was held a session of the Social and Economic Council agreed between the social partners at the request of SSM regarding the amendments to the Labor Law and invalidity of the terms of cancellation for personal reasons and changes about possibility of using additional 3 months at the request of the worker on maternity leave.
The session reviewed applications submitted by OEM and initiated by several companies.
Regarding the amendments to the Labor Law on obsolescence, the trade union standpoint was that it was too long and that distinction is not made regarding the invalidity of dismissal for personal reasons and reasons regarding guilt. Corrections should be made by amendment plan.
Regarding the other points trade unions expressed the view that certain issues should be analyzed and some suggestions that meant concessions from labor legislation were rejected.
The meeting of the Social and Economic Council was attended by President of SSM Zivko Mitrevski PhD and President of SIER Pece Ristevski