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01.11.2013 DSCF2276Signing of the Agreement - Angel Dimitrov, Toni Trajkovski and Zivko Mitrevski PhD (from left to right)

Today in Gazi Baba was signed an Agreement establishing Local Economic and Social Council of the Municipality of Gazi Baba. The Agreement was signed by the mayor Toni Trajkovski, President of SSM Zivko Mitrevski PhD, President of OEM Angel Dimitrov and Zoran Antovski of KSS.

The signing is a historic act for the municipality of Gazi Baba, as well as for all municipalities and entities involved in the social dialogue. Social dialogue in Macedonia intensively developes since 2010 being important tool of social consensus, which is the primary means of overall social development of our country - said at the signing President Zivko Mitrevski. It is important that social dialog and the establishment of local and economic Councils (LESC) comes at a time of global economic crisis and Republic of Macedonia as an example of development and institutionalization of social dialogue.
President Mitrevski said that SSM on May Day this year launched a campaign to establish LES Councils. Gazi Baba is first municipality in Skopje with established LESC, which is an additional strategic element that will affect everyday life especially in terms of programs for retraining and qualification and job creation especially among young people.

Во кабинетот на градоначалникот – Гази Баба е прв скопска општина со свој Локален економско – социјален советIn the Mayor's Office - Gazi Baba is the first municipality in Skopje with established Local economic and social council

Mayor Toni Trajkovski said the formation of LESC will have great benefits for all parties. Gazi Baba is municipality with many economic structures and labor relations have special importance. LESC will be a serious tool for mutual exchange of information between local government, trade unions and employers, as well as a place to talk about problems. In the work of the LESC will be involved the Employment Agency, NGOs, university and high school students, pensioners and other associations - explained Trajkovski.
Angel Dimitrov, President of the Organisation of Employers, said the social partners in Macedonia are on the right track in development and institutionalization of social dialogue. It seems that everyone understood the essence of social dialogue. LESC is a tool for resolving conflicts and achieving solutions.
In SSM delegation, made of Angelko Angjelkovski, Secretary General of SSM and secretary of RTUO Skopje Cvetkoski Jovan, was also president of Trade Union of Chemistry, Metals and Non-metals Zoran Mironovski whose parent company Alkaloid is located in Gazi Baba. Mironovski said that given the fact that most companies are located in the municipality operating of LESC will have special meaning. It would be good decisions to have binding character.
KSS representative Zoran Antovski said the formation of LESC is the right direction for cooperation between the three parties.

ILO Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - EU FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG Организацијa на работодавачи на Македонија etuc