President of SIER, Pece Ristovski (second from the left) said that the minimum wage is extremely important category and should be continuously monitored
Today in the hotel "Holiday Inn" in Skopje, a conference titled "Politics for minimum wage in Macedonia and its initial acknowledgement" was held organized by the International Labor Organization and the Economic - Social Council of Macedonia.
On the conference the current situation and trends regarding minimum wage in the world and in the country was discussed.
On this conference, despite ILO experts, representatives of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy , the three trade unions - CCM, KSS and UNASM were present aw sell as both employers' organizations ORM and the Business Confederation and representatives of other organizations and institutions.
In the introductory speech the president of the SIER Pece Ristovski, who is also a member of the Economic - Social Council has noted that CCM has always fought and continues to fight for the realization of a decent minimum wage. It is an important category and should be followed in continuity because the minimum wage is the starting point for determining the salaries in the country.
In his presentation Slobodan Trendafilov, Head of Departments in CCM, said that for the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia the wage policy, i.e. regulation of wages by law and collective agreements, their duration and regularity of payment is of primary importance.
The Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Ibrahim Ibrahimi said that when the Law on minimum wage was adopted the comparative analyses in other European countries were taken into consideration.
On the conference presentations had Daniel Vaughan - Whitehed and Reiko Cushima, ILO representatives.
On the conference was speaking Mirjana Aleksievska, representative from the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and Nikica Mojsoska - Blazhevski, dean of the Faculty of Economics at the "American College" - Skopje.