Discussions with with CEO Kostadin Barzov and workers - President Mitrevski said that businesses in the region should follow the positive example of Bargala
During their regular business visits SSM leadership on 10.10.2013 visited Regional TUO of SSM in Stip as well as private companies while analysis was made of the compliance with Minimum Wage Law.
Together with the President of Trade Union of Workers in Textile, Leather and Footwear Industry Angelko Angjelkovski President Mitrevski visited shoe factory JSC Bargala.
Bargala is an example of implementation of social dialogue between employers and trade unions, especially in signing collective agreements, compliance with OHS measures, regular payment of salaries, regular functioning of the draft OHS measures adopted this summer and we will have in the winter as well, said the President of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia Zivko Mitrevski PhD in Bargala.
President Zivko Mitrevski said this is a regular visit to one of the socially most responsible companies in the country that has a trade union organization. The union and the management of Bargala discussed upcoming negotiations and measures on signing of the General Collective Agreement for the economy.
Mitrevski said that in factories with union organizations has to respect workers’ rights in all segments and urged other companies in Stip and in the region to begin establishing trade unions for defending dignity of labor and protection of workers.
I would like to send one more message: the example of Bargala is positive example of exceptional importance for the region in terms of protection of workers and in terms of salary. These positive examples should be followed by other workers from other confections in the region and to establish trade unions - said Mitrevski.