Today in the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia October 7, the World Day for Decent Work was celebrated by holding two seminars on "The concept of decent work and ILO supervisory mechanisms" and the joint seminar of women's sections of SSM, KSS and UNASM, "Together against Women Discrimination."
Coordinator of ILO, Office Macedonia, Emil Krstanoski, Minister Dime Spasov, President of CCM, PhD Zivko Mitrevski and the ILO Sr. Specialist Ovidiu Jurka sent greetings on the occasion of the celebration of the World Day for Decent Work
Within the frameworks of the seminar a press conference was held at which President of CCM, PhD Zivko Mitrevski , Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Dime Spasov and the ILO Sr. Specialist on labor issues Ovidiu Jurka publicly congratulated the World Day for Decent Work to all workers.
President Mitrevski stated that CCM starting from 2010 intensively marks the International Day
The President of CCM PhD Zivko Mitrevski outlined the basic components of decent work: To take appropriate national policies to increase employment , especially for young people , to decrease the rate of poverty, secure jobs, social security, equal opportunities to work for all, protection of discrimination, work to be a source of dignity and well-being of workers, to develop and practice social dialogue and to allow unions to participate in policy and decision making on issues important to workers.
Minister Dime Spasov highlighted the progress of social dialogue in Macedonia
The Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Dime Spasov stated that this day is an opportunity to highlight past achievements and efforts for the next period, which are aimed at raising the level of dignity of labor. He mentioned the National Employment Program 2011 - 2015, the Action Plan for Youth Employment, the adoption of laws on minimum wage, mobbing and other regulations of the labor law.
The Minister mentioned the current changes, including rising wages in the administration of five percent, 1,600 jobs for people with compromised social status, employment program for the orphans, the reduction of the unemployment rate from 36 percent in 2006 to 28.8 percent in the first quarter of 2013.
Ovidiu Jurka : For the International Labour Organization all workers are equal
Ovidiu Jurka, a Sr. Specialist in labor issues in the headquarters of the ILO (ILO DWT / CO) in Budapest noted that for ILO all workers are equal and deserve the same treatment and respect. Jurka stressed that progress of social dialogue is a positive sign for the realization of the basic concept of decent work, such as the rule of law, non-discrimination, equal opportunities, good social security system and other key elements.
During the seminar it was discussed about the activities of trade unions in the ratification of ILO Conventions
At the seminar presentations of representatives of trade unions for collective bargaining status and supervisory mechanisms of the ILO were presented, as well as union activities of ratification of ILO Conventions and their role in the country reports. The presentation of Ovidiu Jurka was entitled "Freedom of association and supervisory mechanisms - international labor standards." Also the topic of "ILO supervisory mechanisms and examples from Macedonia - new conditions" was discussed.
The seminar was attended by representatives of the Confederation of Free Trade Unions, Union of autonomous and independent trade unions, employers' organization, the Business Confederation and other organizations.
President of CCM, PhD Zivko Mitrevski with the Presidents of Women’s sections Elizabeta Gelevska (CCM), Divna Zmejkovska (UNASM ) and Dragana Matlioska (KSS)
Another seminar was held organized by women's sections of CCM , KSS and UNASM , entitled "Together against women discrimination." At the seminar the President of CCM PhD Zivko Mitrevski had speech and encouraged women unionists that the common organization of the seminar is an indicator of bringing unions together.
The meeting was held within the project "Strengthening the capacity of women employees and networking in the Western Balkans" with the support of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and ISCOS.