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05.10.2013 foto1

On 4 and 5 October in Bitola organized by the International Slavic University Gavrilo Romanovich Derzhavin was held the first International scientific and technical conference for 2013 “Security Engineering at Work and Fire."

The conference was attended by President of SSM Dr. Zivko Mitrevski who noted that the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia is especially devoted to labor legislation and international labor standards in the OHS area.
An important step in the progress of legislation in this area is the ratification of the ILO OHS Convention adopted on SSM’s initiative.

Important step for the trade union is the commitment regarding implementation of regulations in enterprises by union trustees.
Given the importance of the topics the conference will be another contribution to the creation of appropriate and modern OHS regulations, said Mitrevski.

The initiative for the conference is created by providing accreditation of the Faculty of Security Engineering at the University.
The conference was attended by over 80 applicants and 120 active observers

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