On 09/20/2013 representatives of SGIP and BWI had a second meeting with the company AKTOR, the main contractor of Corridor 10 in the country. With this visit SGIP and BWI’s activities to join new members continue, with a special emphasis on workers engaged in the project and giving information on the most vulnerable area for work i.e. health and safety at work.
In this context, on 20 September 2013 at the request of SGIP a visit on part of the route (Highway Demir Kapija- Smokvice) was realized. This visit was attended by Blaguna Stojkoska - Secretary General of SGIP, Peshevski Ivan - Assistant to the President of SGIP, Krste Mickovski - coordinator for health and safety at work, Stojko Murdzhevalevski - Regional Representative of CCM - Kavadarci Dusko Boskovic – OHS representative of the Union "Putari" - Serbia, Domagoj Ferbedar - Representative for Southeast Europe from World Organization for construction and timber industry - BWI, Project Manager of AKTOR and OHS Expert at AKTOR.
SGIP presented employment rights to workers and the reason why they need to be members of the union. Participants were aware of OHS as the most important topic for work in the construction sector. For this issue SGIP launched a campaign "Let's build roads without injuries and casualties" and prepared special flyers which include all elements of civil engineering that employees should be careful and special attention to personal protective equipment and labor rights was given. What is most important for the work of SGIP and the World Organization for construction and timber industry - BWI is that activities on this road will continue in future, it was concluded and agreed by both parties. For this purpose SGIP will continue its cooperation with the Ministry of Finance, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Agency for State Roads and the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs with a request for a special OHS inspector for this object.