Meeting of the organizers prior to the training
It is necessary to define part of the content of the law, organizing trainings and inserting provisions in collective agreements, was stated on today's event "Training of staff responsible for the implementation of the Law on Protection from harassment in the workplace."
The joint training organized by the Lawyers Association of Macedonia, the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia CCM and Employers' organization was attended by many lawyers who monitor and work on this issue.
PhD Zivko Mitrevski : Sound relations in work environments are precondition for maintaining the esteem and attraction of foreign investments
The moderator PhD Danica Miladinova stressed the need for training on the law to prevent harassment in the workplace. We deemed that CCM as an initiator for the adoption of the law should be co-organizer of the training. Conclusions of previous counseling held on June 25, are that the issue on mobbing should find a place in the collective agreements, said Miladinova.
The President of the Organization of Employers, Angel Dimitrov warned that the law is small in size, but is very important. Although it may seem illogical as employers we have supported the adoption of the law because we do believe that unregulated substance can lead to negative consequences in work environments. In fact it is better to regulate relations than to leave room for various abuses.
The President of OEM, Angel Dimitrov: the law is small in size, but it covers a broad and complex matter
According to Dimitrov, the biggest problem is the definition of mobbing and the involvement of all cases. Mobbing is a broad category and the law cannot cover all forms. Also what is needed is to work on the manner of informing the workers and finally to find a shape of the Law that would realistically be implemented.
It is good that the social partners shared the same attitude and as a result of the cooperation is adoption of a special law. Normal business climate and sound industrial relations are important in terms of attracting foreign investment, stressed the President of CCM PhD Zivko Mitrevski . However there are still many doubts and questions that need to be defined. CCM believes that collective agreements are a good tool for clarifying and expanding of the provisions about mobbing.
We must not allow the law to remain only on paper, warned President Mitrevski. The fact is that mobbing is widespread in the working areas in Macedonia and we must do everything in our power to revive the law.
M.Sc. Maja Ristova said that the question of selection criteria for intermediaries was highly importantM.Sc. Maja Ristova, a lawyer in the expert team of the office for protection and education of the victims of mobbing at CCM, was speaking about the various aspects and effects on health due to exposure to psychological pressures. For effective protection, two elements are important: repetition and duration of pressure. The issue concerning the choice of intermediaries is open as well as the criteria for their selection and their characteristics.
The advisor at the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, Stojan Trajanov, who is recently retired, said that the law is small in size, but includes very complex phenomena. Among other things it is important because it endangers the integrity of the person.
Stojan Trajanov from MLSP warned that the main objective of the law is a preventive action in order to avoid trials
Trajanov added that most of the law is aimed to protect but the primary purpose is to act preventively in order to avoid court procedures, after which business reputation of employers is being endangered.
Teofil Tomanovic, a retired judge, spoke on the specific deficiencies in the law including the problem of the scope of employees referred to in the law of persons engaged on contract, the question of the witnesses of mobbing, types of claims, the issue of warning etc. Then the moderator Danica Miladinova, informed in the same direction that the Lawyers Association will submit proposals for amending the law to the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.
From the practical experiences in the area of mobbing were speaking Anna Ristovska and Sandra Lipsa, representatives of "Makedonski Telekom".
Sandra Lipsa, Anna Ristovska, PhD Danica Miladinova and Teofil Tomanovic on the training
Participant of the Training
At the end of training, the organizers, the Lawyers Association, CCM and ORM, awarded certificates for the training to the 60 participants who attended the training.