The signatories of the contract in front of the Municipality of ResenThe Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Dime Spasov , the President of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia PhD Zivko Mitrevski and the Mayor of Resen MSc. Gjoko Strezovski today have reached an agreement on establishment of Local Economic - Social Council ( LESC) of Resen…
The Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Dime Spasov , the President of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia PhD Zivko Mitrevski and the Mayor of Resen MSc. Gjoko Strezovski today have reached an agreement on establishment of Local Economic - Social Council ( LESC) of Resen.
As pointed out at the meeting through the establishment of LESC a democratic and social dialogue is created that contributes to overcoming challenges and maintaining economic and social policy of the municipality. The objectives of LESC are improving the living standards of citizens in municipalities by improving the business environment in the local community, development of entrepreneurship and making social policy strategies and action plans for the development of the labor market and increasing employment opportunities for young and other issues.
Through the implementation of this agreement and signing of the Treaty which we expect to happen soon we will organize a series of important activities in the Municipality of Resen primarily in the area that is highly important for us, trade unions, the government and the local self- government and that is encouraging employment - said the president of CCM for the media PhD Zivko Mitrevski.
PhD Zivko Mitrevski: LESC will organize a range of activities, particularly encouraging employment
Joint action of local authorities and social partners can address many important local priorities and challenges that indirectly affect the situation at national level, said the Minister.
Speaking of social dialogue at national level the Minister Spasov said that in the past the Government together with the social partners has made great efforts to provide efficient and functional social dialogue. The social dialogue at national level is made through the work of the Economic and Social Council, which serves as a forum for tripartite consultations between the Government and social partners, trade unions and employers' organizations on economic and social issues.
To use experience, to use already established activities and norms, where all that will have an influence on the functional improvement, functional development of the economic and social environment in the municipality of Resen, said the Mayor of Resen MSc. Gjoko Strezovski.