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Some of the participants at the seminarSome of the participants at the seminarIn the framework of the Campaign of the unions in Southeast Europe, which are members of the World Union of Construction, Forestry and Wood Industry - BWI, "Today and always-decent work for women", the Union of Construction, Industry and Planning of the Republic of Macedonia - SGIP on June 29, 2013 in the village Siricino organized a seminar on "Legal regulations for equal work for men and women."

Lecturer was the Secretary of SGIP, Blaguna Stojkoska and on the topic "Preventive protection of women against osteoporosis" lecturer was Professor. Snezana Markovska from the Association of Protection of osteoporosis of Republic of Macedonia.

The seminar was attended by numerous members, total of 172 women who discussed the implementation of better working conditions and improved employment rights.

Of particular importance is the participation of young women (60).

In the frameworks of the seminar a recreational activity was held "nifty woman" through which women have shown their domestic products and skills.

ILO Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - EU FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG Организацијa на работодавачи на Македонија etuc