COUNSELLING "Mobbing according to the new law on protection against harassment at workplace"
President Mitrevski explained that all parties should contribute towards the implementation of the law
On June 25 in the hotel "Holiday Inn" in Skopje, in organization of the Association of Lawyers of the Republic of Macedonia, counseling on "Mobbing according to the new law to prevent harassment in the workplace" was held.
At the counseling PhD Danica Miladinova in her speech highlighted the role of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, for the submission of the draft Law and as initiator of the law.
Miladinova, the Executive Director of the Lawyers Association, was speaking about the topic "Protection of mobbing in national legislation."
Lence Kocevska, representative of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, was speaking about "The organization of mobbing in the Law to prevent harassment at workplace and implications in practice."
PhD Zivko Mitrevski presented the topic "The importance of the new Law in mobbing protection at workplace and the role of Trade Unions in its implementation."
The fourth speaker was a judge in the Court of Appeal in Skopje PhD Zoran Mihajloski, who spoke about "The procedure for mobbing protection according to the Law on protection from harassment at workplace.
Presentations of the council
The President of CCM PhD Zivko Mitrevski among other things said that that the labor movement throughout the European and global level, including in the country, especially in recent years, pays particular attention to the harassment at workplace, i.e. mobbing.
Initiator of these activities was CCM who within the strategies for achieving health and safe working environment as a prerequisite for social and economically productive life was focusing on care and mobbing protection.
CCM has seen this problem and have stepped in given the need for harmonization of our legislation with the EU on one side, and following the announcement of the European Commission to the Council of the EU Parliament on the quality and productivity of work, which proposes EU Strategies that warns of escalation of emerging risks serious threat of injury and accidents at work, especially the risks caused by psychological pressure or harassment in the workplace or mobbing.
Во ваква констелација на односи и услови сé поприсутно е напуштањето на човековите и работничите права на здрава и безбедна работна средина која е предуслов за посакувани деловни резултати и економски просперитет. Секако, непосредната поврзаноста на здравјето на работниците и социо- економскиот развој и повисок квалитет на живот, значи обврска и предизвик за мултидимензионален пристап на прашањето на мобингот од страна на сите повикани општествени субјекти. Основата за прагматичен пристап со нормативно опсервирање на овој феномен, ССМ го гледаше и го активираше и од аспект на потребата од хармонизирање на нашето работно законодавство со европското, од една страна, и следејќи го соопштението на Европската Комисија до Советот на ЕУ Парламентот за квалитетот и продуктивноста на работата, каде предлага стратегии на ЕУ во кои се предупредува на ескалирање на новите ризици кои се сериозна закана за повреди и несреќи при работа, посебно ризиците предизвикани од психички притисок, односно вознемирување на работното место или мобинг.
According to research at the EU level, 15% of workers suffer from harassment in the workplace. Some studies also suggest the striking facts and financial implications associated with medical expenses.
CCM analyzed this condition of mobbing within the Project "Anti-mobbing network MK", together with the Union of the financial activities of Macedonia through the survey in 2011, and came to the conclusion that 53% of the harmful effects of mobbing reflect the work and working capabilities.
According to the survey 12% of respondents had used sick leave and had impacts upon their health. The impact of workplace and work environment is manifested through: increased rates of illness, increased rate of shift workers, increased stress, increased costs for education and pre-qualification, increased risk of injury, reduced productivity, reduced quality of service, drop in confidence the company, reduced corporate social responsibility, reduced profits and wages, increased costs etc.
The project "Anti-mobbing network - MK" comprised 1,114 respondents - members of the unions in more than 30 cities in Macedonia.
When asked if they were victims of mobbing in the last 6 months, 44% of respondents said yes, while 42% respondents answered affirmatively on the question whether they were witness of mobbing. Sick leave used 12% of employees, mostly in the textile industry - 4.9%, and the damage of sick leave per month amounted to EUR 1,077,600 or EUR 12,931,200 annually.
When to the previous costs will would add other costs such as: rehabilitation, reduced work capacity and productivity, remedying the effects on the family, the harmful consequences upon associates in company, costs of running the trial, the damage would be at least 3 times greater or total damage would be equal to 258 million €.
In CCM an Office for assistance and education of victims of mobbing has been open that helps people by giving advices and represents then before authorities in order to solve their problem. The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, the Trade Union of the workers in the financial sector of Macedonia and the Office for assistance and education to victims of mobbing, organized training and awarded 20 licenses for anti-mobbing advisors in 2012 who nowadays work on prevention and suppression of mobbing.
The Office for assistance and education to victims of mobbing has numerous complaints, mostly from persons aged from 21-41, of which 97% have consequences of mobbing, and in 48% there was a termination of employment.