SCHOOL FOR WOMEN Trade Union Leaders
After organizing the School of Young Trade Union Leaders, SSM for the first time organized School for Women Trade Union leaders on 14 and 15 June in Ohrid. The School is organized by the Foundation "Friedrich Ebert" while participants were women members in the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, Confederation of Free Trade Unions (KSS), the Union of Independent and Autonomous Trade Unions (UNASM) and the Independent Union of Journalists of Macedonia (SSNM).
Presenters were PhD Todor Kalamatiev who had lecture on the topics "Labor legislation and Labor Rights" and "Negotiating and Signing of Collective Agreements." At the second session Vlado Karaev from the organization "Rubicon" was speaking about "Teamwork" and "Trade Union Leadership."
In the frameworks of the event a presentation on "Positive examples of successful women in the world of men," was presented which comprised women who have jobs that are considered extremely male.