Both sides agreed that local SEC are required for the regional development. SSM and USAID have similar views and goals on the establishment and functioning of SEC tips, so close cooperation can be coordinated.
This is the common conclusion of the meeting of representatives of USAID’s and the leadership of SSM, attended by President Zivko Mitrevski, PhD., Secretary Angelko Angjelkovski, Slobodan Trendafilov, Head of Departments in SSM and Lidia Naskovska, Advisor on EU Integrations in SSM, while USAID was represented by Marija Ignatova - Gjoseva, specialist on public and private dialogue and Kushevski Georgi, director of the project "Youth Network for Employability Skills".
President Mitrevski gave additional information about SSM’s Campaign for establishing SEC, launched on the First of May and discussed by several municipalities. Contacts are intense, so this year we can expect agreements on establishing of the local ESS in Bitola, Veles, Resen, Gostivar etc., informed Mitrevski.
Marija Ignjatova - Gjoseva said that thje dialogue in Bitolaon is quite advanced, where social partners show great seriousness in terms of establishing SEC. It is necessary to consider model for local SEC in Skopje, as special administrative organization of the city, and there are contacts with the Mayor of Skopje, and options for local councils at the municipal level or city level.
Conditions, capacities and opportunities vary from one region to another, so there are special needs and in every city, although in all places as a priority problem occurs youth employment, said George Kushevski.
It was discussed on organizing a joint conference in early June, which would present the three social partners, interested municipalities and municipalities with established local SEC, which would transfer their experiences.
There are local SEC established in Kumanovo, Kavadarci, Strumica, Tetovo and Stip. These councils consist of representatives of local governments, unions and employers. If needed, NGOs include as well, and other local structures. In some local councils have been made analyzes for the labor market, action plans and manners for their realization.
This is the first meeting of SSM and USAID about this agenda. Given the proximity of the target the two organizations have collaborated on the organization of local SEC.