4/26/2013President Dr. Zivko Mitrevski specifically pointed to the dangers posed by new technologies
On April 25, 2013 in Mavrovo was held the Conference on National Strategies for Safety and Health at Work, organized by the Macedonian Association of Occupational Safety and Health to mark the 28 April, World Day for Safety and Health at Work.
SSM was co-organizer of the Conference. President of SSM, Zivko Mitrevski, PhD., in his address pointed to struggle to provide safe and healthy conditions at work. SSM continuously is especially committed to this human right which is a prerequisite for ensuring social development.
In this context was emphasized the role of SSM related to fight for enrichment of international labor standards and labor legislation. This plan is especially important that SSM has successfully completed the activities that led to the ratification of the Convention on the promotional framework for OSH (in RM ratified on 19 March 2012) and the Convention for the Protection of motherhood (in RM ratified on 19 March 2012 .) This Convention shall review the Convention on Maternity Protection, revised in 1952.
Celebration of April 28 World Day of Safety and Health at Work
Over the past year SSM raised a series of issues related to raising the level of health and safety and also implemented changes in Labor Law related to the protection of workers' rights on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth and parenting, prohibition of discrimination related to these categories in terms of access to employment, working conditions and all employment rights.