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ССМ настојува да придонесе за евроинтеграцијата на Република МакедонијаCCM seeks to contribute to the European integration of the Republic of Macedonia

28.03.2013 scan

The new publication of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, "What we achieved – program confirmation" is launched today, during the 8thSession of the Council of SSM.

On the occasion was held a press conference, attended by members of the Presidency of SSM.

At the conference, Zivko Mitrevski, PhD, talked about the major achievements of SSM in the last period.

Since early 2010 SSM made several historic achievements, including the enactment of the Law on minimum wage, which improved the situation of 65.000 workers, the conclusion of collective agreements, the ratification of new ILO conventions and EU directives, the new Law against harassment and other contributions.

SSM strives to contribute to more relaxed approach of receipt of the Republic of Macedonia to the European Union.

President Mitrevski called the Macedonian workers to be bolder and to jointly contribute to the improvement of their position in society. He also urged workers and employers to contribute to conclusion of collective agreements, which is important not only to be signed, but to truly be implemented in labor relations. SSM in turn every two months will require a complete report on the respect of collective agreements.

ILO Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - EU FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG Организацијa на работодавачи на Македонија etuc