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Millions of people depend on the labor laws

Labor area is one of the most sensitive topics in the law, which should constantly evolve in line with the changes that time brings. In the name of justice, there should be a balance between workers or their trade union representatives, employers, social partners and the government.

This is said at today's International Symposium for the labor laws, with the topic - comparative review of labor laws in France and Macedonia. The symposium was held at the Faculty of Law "Justinian I", organized in collaboration with the Embassy of France and the International Institute of Human Rights and Peace in Caen, France, with participation of six teachers and eight students.

The introduction was given by the French Ambassador Mrs. Laurence Auer and Dean Professor Dr. Borce Davitkovski, who noted that the French theoretical idea is founder of the labor law.

One of the main messages of the French experts is that their country's judiciary protects workers, but also tries not to destabilize enterprises in dispute.

The symposium discussed the employment contracts in both countries, and topics: "Labor law and the fight against discrimination"; "Labor disputes in France and Macedonia"; "Procedure for dismissal, employer’s mandates and protection of employee" ; "Protection of social rights within European Union"; "Employees and the Council of Europe (European Convention on Human Rights and the Social Charter)" .

ILO Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - EU FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG Организацијa на работодавачи на Македонија etuc