"If we want to create a better world, let’s increase efforts to achieve greater inclusion, equal and sustainable development built on dialogue, transparency and social justice."
Message of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon for the World Day of Social Justice 2013
Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia fully supports the principles and requirements of the United Nations on the occasion of World Day for Social Justice. The principles on which social justice is based are equality, respect for diversity, solidarity and mutual responsibility. It means that all people have the right to live with dignity of their labor.
The world is facing the consequences of the economic crisis at global level which led to a rise in unemployment and poverty. In the Republic of Macedonia we feel the effects of the crisis, but we believe that with the joint efforts of the social partners and other stakeholders in society, we can mitigate and overcome the negative effects of the crisis on the living standard of workers and citizens.
In the past three years, CCM advocated to achieve the goals of poverty reduction, employment growth, measures of gender equality and the appropriate involvement of youth, women and other vulnerable groups in the labor market, prohibition of discrimination on various grounds, general reduction of the effects of the global economic, financial and debt crisis.
In our common goals of achieving social justice will continue to be dedicated and responsible to advocate for respect and promotion of labor rights through legislation in line with international labor standards, to strengthen social dialogue, collective bargaining and negotiation, implementation and increase of the minimum wages, reducing the number of unemployed, poverty eradication, providing material welfare and safety of workers and citizens of the Republic of Macedonia.
Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia