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On 5.02.2013 In Stip was held the constitutive session of the Local Economic and Social Council.

The primary goal of the council is to establish links between employers and unemployed youth. The founding meeting of the LESS was held on 26 December 2012.

Three sides participate in LESS: 3 representatives of the local government, 3 of the employers and 3 of the trade unions - two representatives from the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia and one of the Confederation of Free Trade Unions.

The representatives said that through the council the necessary links will be created between investors and unemployed. Employers argue that currently there is no young staff to work in production and therefore it is  a long-term task of on linking the two sides.

Active participation of the establishment of the LESS has USAID with their project "Network for promotion of youth employment in RM." According to the agenda, establishment of 10 local ESS in 10 municipalities is planned.

ILO Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - EU FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG Организацијa на работодавачи на Македонија etuc