Intensive negotiations between the Ministry of Health and Trade Union of health

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Љубиша Каранфиловски – како единствен репрезентативен синдикат имаме поголема одговорност кон вработените во системот
Ljubisa Karanfilovski - as the sole representative union we have a greater responsibility to the employees in the system

Next week will begin the intensive negotiations between the Independent Trade Union of Health, Pharmacy and Social Protection of RM and the Ministry of Health about the Performance Fee Project. We hope that the negotiations will result with quality solutions, said Ljubisa Karanfilovski, president of the Independent Trade Union of Health, Pharmacy and Social Protection of RM, at today's press conference.

On the reporters’ questions about the relationship with the other health Trade unions Karanfilovski explained that the Independent Trade Union of Health, Pharmacy and Social Security is the sole representative union of the health care system in the Republic of Macedonia and therefore has a more responsible role. The union has their policy of trade union struggle, which covers negotiation, bargaining and finally, strikes and protests. Independent Union has its own proposals, as quarterly calculation of salaries of doctors, which, in fact, won’t result in reduction in wages, and there is a proposal to solve the problem of the difference in wages between doctors and nurses.

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