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Претседателот на здружението Вернер Хенгст и претседателот на ССЕСМ Роберт Симоноски
The president of the Association Werner Hengst and President of SSESM Robert Simonoski

Independent Trade Union of Workers in Energy of Macedonia (SSESM) and the Association of Employers of energy sector in the Organization of Employers of Macedonia, today at the Economic Chamber of Macedonia signed the Collective Agreement that prescribes the rights and obligations of the social partners in this area.

The purpose of this Collective Agreement is to apply international labor standards, to equalize the working conditions at branch level and to establish a framework of rights for the employees which will maintain fair competition between employers in times when it is most needed for job security and working conditions in the energy sector and promotion of social rights and a healthy working environment.

"We firmly stand on the conclusion that the real social dialogue has no alternative and only through its continuity all open issues can be resolved," said Mr. Werner Hengst, president of the Association for Energy Organization of the Employers’ Organization of Macedonia.

The satisfaction of the signing was also expressed by the President of the Independent Trade Union of Workers in Energy Mr. Robert Simonoski who noted that this is a historic moment when for the rights of workers are verified with a Collective Agreement in all energy companies of the private sector in Macedonia.Внимание, се отвора во нов прозорец.


Independent Trade Union of Workers in Energy of Macedonia (SSESM) and the Association of Employers of energy sector in the Organization of Employers of Macedonia, today at the Economic Chamber of Macedonia signed the Collective Agreement that prescribes the rights and obligations of the social partners in this area.

The purpose of this Collective Agreement is to apply international labor standards, to equalize the working conditions at branch level and to establish a framework of rights for the employees which will maintain fair competition between employers in times when it is most needed for job security and working conditions in the energy sector and promotion of social rights and a healthy working environment.

"We firmly stand on the conclusion that the real social dialogue has no alternative and only through its continuity all open issues can be resolved," said Mr. Werner Hengst, president of the Association for Energy Organization of the Employers’ Organization of Macedonia.

The satisfaction of the signing was also expressed by the President of the Independent Trade Union of Workers in Energy Mr. Robert Simonoski who noted that this is a historic moment when for the rights of workers are verified with a Collective Agreement in all energy companies of the private sector in Macedonia.Внимание, се отвора во нов прозорец.

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