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The signing of the document: the cooperation of the two organizations dates from 1946

Today the Federation of Trade Unions and the Union of Associations of Retirees of Macedonia signed a Memorandum of cooperation. The document was signed by the President of CCM Zivko Mitrevski and President of SZPM Dragi Argirovski.

The objectives of the cooperation are protecting of the rights of workers and retirees, improvement of national legislation, supporting the stability of the pension system, arrangements for regular payment of salaries and pensions. Further cooperation will be committed to effective health care and increased participation for medicines, common representation in domestic and international institutions, cooperation in social dialogue, exchange of information and joint appearance in informative media, explained Mitrevski.

We are interested in the growth of employment in Republic of Macedonia for two basic reasons. First, it reduces the financial pressure on retirees that support families, and second, the increase of jobs increases flow in the Pension Insurance said Dragi Argirovski, who recalled that in 1946 the Union of retirees joined the only Macedonian trade union, so the two organizations have a history of mutual cooperation.


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Today the Federation of Trade Unions and the Union of Associations of Retirees of Macedonia signed a Memorandum of cooperation. The document was signed by the President of CCM Zivko Mitrevski and President of SZPM Dragi Argirovski.

The objectives of the cooperation are protecting of the rights of workers and retirees, improvement of national legislation, supporting the stability of the pension system, arrangements for regular payment of salaries and pensions. Further cooperation will be committed to effective health care and increased participation for medicines, common representation in domestic and international institutions, cooperation in social dialogue, exchange of information and joint appearance in informative media, explained Mitrevski.

We are interested in the growth of employment in Republic of Macedonia for two basic reasons. First, it reduces the financial pressure on retirees that support families, and second, the increase of jobs increases flow in the Pension Insurance said Dragi Argirovski, who recalled that in 1946 the Union of retirees joined the only Macedonian trade union, so the two organizations have a history of mutual cooperation.Внимание, се отвора во нов прозорец.


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