Unions and employers need to create an autonomous sphere of protection of workers' rights, was told at today’s roundtable "Strengthening of the social dialogue in Macedonia through modernization of the labor market using European experiences."
The roundtable, which was organized by the employers' organization within the Slovenian project, spoke of the application of the minimum wage is the effects of the law, the state of the labor market - modernization through the development of social dialogue, the state of social dialogue in the sectors of agriculture and trade.
CCM President Zivko Mitrevski noted that at a time of global economic crisis, trade unions and employers have to create an autonomous sphere of negotiations, which will come with ready-made solutions to the Government. No need to wait for the state to keep all the projects, but the unions and employers to create common policies in the labor legislation.
It would be a relief for all development projects of the state, especially for harmonization with European legislation. Harmonization of the Macedonian and European legislation is a huge issue, and many subjects are not aware of that fact. We are talking about hundreds of laws that should be carefully analyzed by CCM and ORM. Therefore participation is required in the National Council for European Integration.
On the ORM statement for amendments to the Labor Law for increased flexibility (cancellations, sick leave and other issues) President Mitrevski determined that the crisis should not cause turbulence in labor rights. There are real needs of additions, there are various contradictions in the law, but any changes concerning Labor law can complicate relationships. General view of the Trade union is not their reduction to be prevented.