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Бернардет Сегол и Живко Митревски на Петтата школа на ЕТУЦ - ПЕРК
Bernadette Segol and Zivko Mitrevski at the 5th School of ITUC-PERC

CCM President Zivko Mitrevski had a meeting with the Secretary General of ETUC, Bernadette Segol duribg the 5th Summer School of ITUC-PERC.

The Summer School was held on 20 September 2012 with topics in social dialogue and labor legislation. At the meeting were discussed the activities of CCM and the steps taken for the development of social dialog in Macedonia and in the field of labor legislation. It was also discussed about the activities of the association of the trade union movement in Macedonia.

The ETUC General Secretary particularly emphasized the importance and positive activities that CCM made in the promotion of social dialogue (establishment of the Economic and Social Council, adoption of the Law on Minimum Wage, Law on European Workers’ Councils, ratification of ILO Conventions etc.) as well as od CCM’s steps taken in dealing with the economic crisis (stable jobs, eliminating the process of layoffs, stopped the process of wage cuts), signing of the National Collective Agreement for the private sector without reducing of workers' rights, increased number of beneficial jobs etc..

In the framework of the meeting were agreed and extracurricular activities which will be implemented between ITUC, ETUC and CCM.Attention: open in a new window.

CCM President Zivko Mitrevski had a meeting with the Secretary General of ETUC, Bernadette Segol duribg the 5th Summer School of ITUC-PERC.

ILO Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - EU FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG Организацијa на работодавачи на Македонија etuc