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Lately, CCM received calls from various associations, political structures etc., like "AMAN", "Izgor privatizacija " etc.

In this regard, similarly as for "AMAN" we would like to remind you of the following: CCM is an autonomous, independent, non political, non-state organization established by the Trade unions joined in CCM, with its own Program and Statute. Our activities, methods and means of action were built and will be built independently, respecting the interests of the union membership of the affiliated unions in CCM, with no interfering in the policies and activities of various associations, organizations and NGOs.

For these reasons the imposition of other strategies and pressures of certain associations, political structures and NGOs who want to push and involve CCM in various scenarios is totally unacceptable.

ILO Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - EU FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG Организацијa на работодавачи на Македонија etuc