Yesterday in Tetovo was established Local Economic and Social Council. It was signed an Establishing Agreement and then was held the First Constitutive meeting of the local ESC.
Signatories of the Agreement were Mayor of Tetovo Prof. Sadi Bedzeti, President of the Organization of Employers of Macedonia Angel Dimitrov, President of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia Zivko Mitrevski, PhD., and President of the Confederation of Free Trade Unions Rasko Miskoski.
Apart from them, the meeting was attended by U.S. Ambassador to Macedonia Paul Wohlers, Philip Reeker, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs of the U.S., the owner of "Renova" - Tetovo Shefki Idrizi, representatives of USAID and other organizations and institutions.
Local Economic and Social Council have consultative and advisory function, considers various issues of economic and social life, gives their opinions, suggestions and recommendations to the Municipal Council and to other bodies. Particular importance is given to the issue of youth employment and strengthening the links between the labor market and the proper education of the young people.