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Д-р Живко Митревски, Никола Тодоров и Љубиша Каранфиловски на денешната средба
Zivko Mitrevski PhD, Nikola Todorov and Ljubisa Karanfilovski at the meeting

Today in the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia was held a meeting with the Health Minister Nikola Todorov, Independent Trade Union of Health, Pharmacy and Social Protection, Medical Chamber of Macedonia, the Board of doctors and Trade union of the Clinical Centre in Skopje.

It was discussed on the current situation in the health care area, ie for the "Performance Payment Project".

The attendees were welcomed by President Zivko Mitrevski PhD., who stressed that the discussions are result of the progress in the social dialogue in Macedonia.

Health Minister Todorov explained the purpose of the project, while the President of the Independent Trade Union of Health Ljubisa Karanfilovski noted that there is a need for precise documentation of all the effects and consequences of the new system. Karanfilovski emphasized that health care is a complex area and it should be paid great attention to every change.

Representatives of the Trade Union of the Clinical Center, Medical Chamber and Board of Physicians presented the opinions and arguments of healthcare employees and it was decided that a special working group should continue the discussions about the project with the Ministry of Health.

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