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From today’s workshop- Convention 151 is coincided with the announced signing of the General Collective Agreement for the private sector

“Workshop on prevention and resolution of labour disputes in private sector” is the topic of the workshop of ILO which was held on 10 and 11 June 2012 in the hotel Arka in Skopje.

Lecturers on the workshop were Carlos Carion Crespo- Sector specialist for public sector, Department for sectoral activities of ILO in Geneve, whose lecture was entitled: Why collective bargaining and resolution of labour disputes in private sector- methodology and expectations of ILO, “Mechanisms of negotiating“ and “Concept of the system for resolution of disputes“. Carion had also promoted ILO publication on Macedonian language, “Manual on collective bargaining and resolution of labour disputes in public service “.

On the workshop the present were addressed by Cristina Miches, ILO Labor right and social dialogue specialist, PhD Todor Kalamatiev, his assistant Aleksandar Ristovski and Emil Krstanovski, National Coordinator of ILO in Macedonia. President of CCM, PhD Zivko Mitrevski emphasized that the Initiative on the Convention is coincided with the announced sighing of the General Collective Agreement for the public sector.

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