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The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, due to the heat wave and high UV radiation recommends to employers to respect OHS Law and to take preventive measures and provide working conditions appropriate to the weather that won’t be harmful and pose health risk to employees.

Employers have an obligation and duty to identify hazards in terms of natural disasters such are the extremely high temperatures, and to inform employees about the risks to their health and life, to provide proper organization of work and required safety equipment and devices, in order to avoid possible dangers and health consequences of being exposed at workplace, especially employees who work outdoors.

Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia calls in the interest of health and safety of employees and labor productivity, employers to plan and adjust work process, work premises and working environment to the needs of workers, to protect them from high temperatures and harmful effects of UV rays on their health.

Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia

ILO Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - EU FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG Организацијa на работодавачи на Македонија etuc