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Motivated by recent remarks of certain entities to CCM, we would like to inform the public that the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia remains at their strategic commitment to protect and promote the positions of its membership of Trade Unions affiliated to CCM.

The main goal in these complex social and economic developments accompanied the world economic crisis is to protect the rights and interests of trade union membership and fight to preserve jobs and the social and economic standards.

At this moment, among other things, our focus is on identification of their positions in the process of collective bargaining in the public and private sector where we expect closure.

In terms of creating social policies we still remain at clearly expressed views on the application of International standards and principles expressed in the ILO Conventions and Recommendations and the European and world practices promoted by ETUC.

Please note that CCM will always react and respond when it comes to injury or reduction of trade union rights and freedoms set out in national and international laws and norms.

Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia

ILO Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - EU FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG Организацијa на работодавачи на Македонија etuc