
Today the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia held a round table on the draft law on protection against mobbing. It is final meeting of the CCM initiative which officially began on May Day this year, although the activities around mobbing last for two years.
Prior to the Roundtable President Zivko Mitrevski PhD said that CCM finished the initiative and that the next step is submitting the draft law to the Social and Economic Council and to the Government.
Our assessment is that in Macedonia the need for the existence of such a special law is realistic. This law is close to the European standards and brings closer Macedonia to the European Union.
Parliamentary Liljana Popovska was the initiator of the introduction of provisions for protection against mobbing in the Labor law in 2010. Now it is time to adopt a special law, and after two years we can establish new moments in this matter, in terms of volume of mobbing, manner of manifestation of mobbing and other aspects, said Popovska.

Dr. Todor Kalamatiev, Professor and Associate Dean of Law Faculty adviced on the proposed text. Kalamatiev emphasized that the proposed legislation should be harmonized, and to be in line with the Labour Law.
Goce Selovski, President of the Trade Union of financial activities of RM, being also the promoter and holder of the Regional Project on OHS, which included Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia, presented current activities of the Office for assistance and education of victims of mobbing and the results of the survey. The Office was opened at the end of 2010 and processed about 200 cases.