Summer heat has begun for the construction workers

Summer tropical waves are not pleasant for anyone. At least for construction workers, for which the period of dry, hot weather and long day traditionally for centuries, is the most affected season of increased operations.
They do not complain, they say work is a work, the norms are given and the job must be done. People who see from side the excavation, machines, tools, beams, all covered with yellowish dust that increases the reflection of the strong light that makes us to close our eyes will ask how these people endure the heat. They do not cease working, nor can take a break in the shade as if the heat does not bother them.
The Trade Union of the workers in Construction, Industry and Civil Engineering SGIP visited their members at a building site and distributed cold drinks. A small and symbolic act which is one sign of the first principle of trade unionism, general interpersonal solidarity. "Coca Cola" or "Pelisterka" drinks alone does not mean much but workers deeply touched have felt they came among their people.
Last year during the tropical wave that lasted through whole August SGIP and SSM called for part-time jobs for people who work outdoors, especially construction workers, as well as pregnant women, elderly and chronically ill. This is an announcement that the union would intervene again if tropical heat hit the country. At the end human endurance has its limits.