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Живко Митревски рече дека ССМ ќе се заложи за надминување на дискриминацијата во платите
Zivko Mitrevski said ССМ strives to overcome discrimination in wages

President Zivko Mitrevski, PhD informed that CCM strives to overcome discrimination in wages. The difference in wages between men and women in Macedonia is not high, but there is approximately 7% on national level.

This is one of the findings of the "Study on the gender gap in wages in Republic of Macedonia" of the International Labor Organization.

The publication was presented during the seminar which was organized by the ILO - Office in Skopje and the Women Section of CCM. The seminar is part of the Program for Decent Work 2010 – 2013 of the ILO which is implemented in partnership with CCM and other organizations.

The study was presented by the National Coordinator of the ILO in Macedonia Mr. Emil Krstanoski and by Reiko Cicushima, ILO specialist on working conditions and gender equality.

President of CCM Zivko Mitrevski said that this issue is of utmost importance to CCM. The findings are very useful and we will try to introduce the issue of inequality in wages between men and women into the overall platform of CCM activities.

ILO Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - EU FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG Организацијa на работодавачи на Македонија etuc