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Џеф Бриџфорд ги запозна учесниците со заштитата во европските земји
Jeff Bridgford informed the participants about the OHS in European countries
Today the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia a seminar was held "The Role of Trade Union Representative in the promotion of OHS." The seminar was attended by the presidents of trade union organizations of the sectoral unions affiliated to CCM.

The seminar was opened by the secretary of the Council of CCM Angelko Angelkovski while Belinda Nikolovska, Secretary General of the Organization of Employers about the OHS activities of the Association of employers of RM.  Inda Savic from CCM was talking about the role, tasks and responsibilities of trade union officials.

Also, Slobodanka Taushanova, OHS inspector of the State Labour Inspectorate was presenting at the seminar. Jeff Bridgford, former director of the European Trade Union College was having a workshop on the "What can union representatives do to improve field work?".

Today's training is part of the ECBOHS Project, in which framework were already held to seminars in Macedonia and many other activities in the Balkan countries that participate in the ECBOHS Project.

ILO Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - EU FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG Организацијa на работодавачи на Македонија etuc