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За јавниот сектор се репрезентативни двата синдикати
The public sector has two representative trade unions

There are 4 or 6% of the total content of the Collective Agreement for the public sector left to be adjusted. We expect the Collective Agreement to be signed at the end of June and then we can go to the next stage of harmonization of the branch collective agreements.

This was said today for the media by the social partners - Government i.e. the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia and the Confederation of Free Trade Unions - after today's meeting in the Ministry.

Minister of Labour and Social Affaires Spiro Ristovski said that amendments to the legislation asked for harmonization of the Collective Agreement for the public sector. Primarily it is the Labour Law, the Law on Minimum wage and other labour regulations. We still operate upon existing Collective Agreement that was signed in 2008.

For CCM as a representative trade union is significant being signatory and partner in the Collective Agreement, because in 2008 we have not participated in the signing. It is particularly important that the Collective Agreement is signed in time of crisis - informed Zivko Mitrevski, president of CCM.

President of KSS Rasko Mishkoski said that finishing of the Collective Agreement is the result of the social dialogue being put to a higher level.

The new agreement will cover all employees, whether members of unions or not. It will also determine the fees that are now not covered. It establishes the rights during strike, i.e. the period of strike will not be calculated in the salary, but only the fees as regulated in the European Union.

Ministry and unions informed that the Collective Agreement should certainly be defined and signed before the adoption of the budget of the Republic of Macedonia in September.

ILO Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - EU FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG Организацијa на работодавачи на Македонија etuc