Signed Cooperation Treaty of the Macedonian and Serbian chemistry Trade Unions

The Trade Union of chemistry, non-metals and metals of Macedonia SHNM and the Independent Union of Chemistry of Serbia SSHNS signed a Treaty of cooperation regulating the labor rights of the citizens of both countries.
The Treaty was signed by Zoran Mironovski, President of SHNM and Ljubisa Nestorovic, President of SSHNS during the visit in Prolom Banja, Serbia, from 11 to 13 April 2012.
With the Treaty both trade unions are regulating the rights of Macedonian citizens working in Serbia and vice versa. Among other things, the Agreement will regulate the rights to annual leave, pension, and all the rights of people with different nationality would be the same as workers in the country.
One of the goals of both unions is to join other unions in these sectors of the Ex Yugoslavian countries in order to coordinate common interests. Long years of cooperation are beneficial, as well as the compatibility and similarity of the problems.