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The Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia on the 26th Meeting, held on March 19, 2012, adopted four international conventions of the International Labor Organization. Four draft laws have been adopted regarding the ratification of the Convention on home working, Convention on promotional OHS framework, Convention on protection of motherhood and the Convention on private employment agencies.

The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia in many cases appears as an initiator of the adoption of ILO conventions, particularly those conventions relevant to the labor and social relations, and their implementation in the legislation, and consistently puts these issues on the agenda of the Economic and Social Council.

From April 2010 until today in the Republic of Macedonia five ILO conventions have been ratified. Despite the abovementioned conventions the Convention No. 94 was ratified in June 2010 which regulates the social clauses in public procurement.

ILO Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - EU FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG Организацијa на работодавачи на Македонија etuc