The Trade Union of Chemistry, Nonmetals and Metals (SHNM) held a seminar in the period from 9 to December 11 in Ohrid titled "The impact of the working conditions on the reproductive health of workers."
Lecturers on this seminar were Dragan Mijalkoski and Saso Stoleski, doctors at the Institute of Labor Medicine, who explained the impact of certain chemical agents, electronics, Ionian radiation and other substances on the reproductive health of men and women.
Guests at the seminar were Gjuranovikj Vidak, who on behalf of the Federation of Trade Unions of Montenegro informed the participants about the safety laws in Montenegro, and the President of the Trade Union "Hemomont" – Montenegro, Mr. Milan Marjanovic.
This education was followed by 39 Members of SHNM. The previous OHS seminar was held on September 26, dedicated to risk assessment at workplace.
The President of SHNM, Mr. Zoran Mironovski informed regarding further agreed education on health and safety at work. Plans for 2012 are School on Young Trade Union Leadership for the members of SHNM, while colleagues from Montenegro agreed to expand the mutual international cooperation.