Today the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia the workshop was held "The impact of working conditions on the physical and psychological health of employees." The workshop is part of the "ECBOHS" Project - European bridges of cooperation for Safety and Health at Work. The participants were representatives of all Trade unions affiliated in CCM while presenters were experts from Turkey and Finland.
Erkki Iryanneikki, director of the Finnish institution "Services for welfare at work", spoke of the "National Action OHS Policy and OHS culture of the workplace." Mr. Iryanneikki noted that in Finland OHS is considered as worthwhile investment which benefits both employees and companies. The effects are many, such as increased work motivation, extended service life, higher productivity, lower losses and better business climates in the economy.
On the role and possibilities of trade unions in OHS regulation spoke Jeff Bridgford, a former director of the European Trade Union College. OHS is fantastic opportunity for trade unions in direction of increasing their credibility and of increasing their membership. Candidates have to accept and implement the EU Directives, while the latest trend in terms of European legislation is improving all the regulations.
"Trade Union OHS perspective" was the topic of Cem Snaet’s presentation, an expert from the Turkish trade union of metal workers. Mr. Snaet informed that 90% of accidents at the workplace can be prevented with preventive measures. A disadvantage is the small number of inspectors, but this space can be filled by the unions. He said that trade unions should choose to pursue training for employees in the enterprises, although employers usually oppose because of the costs. He also informed that the treatments for diseases and injuries at work consume 5% of the Turkish GDP.
Murat Batur from the Department for legal protection and collective bargaining of MESS, in his presentation on "OHS in collective bargaining," informed that there are two OHS approaches - classic and proactive. The classic approach, which is still dominant in most countries, is reactive and involves additional interventions after accidents that already happened. A newer approach, which is preferred by EU, is proactive, which assumes interventions before the event of accidents and diseases. The new approach is more comprehensive, and the key instrument is the risk assessment.
In the second part of the seminar a workshop was held on OHS, considering the conditions in various industries.
Within the ECBOHS project, on October 28, 2011 CCM organized an International Conference "OHS - basic labor law."