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From the session of the Council: CCM considers that the legislation is one of the best mechanisms for improving the working rights

On the occasion of October 7th, Word Day for Decent Work, the Council of the Federation  of Trade Unions of Macedonia, held its third formal session.

Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia in this way supports the idea and purpose of the ILO Decent Work campaign, launched in 1999, and the decision of the ETUC 7 October be declared as World Day for Decent Work. We express our full support to the demands of workers worldwide to provide decent work in line with international standards, protection of employment rights in normative and real sense, said President Zivko Mitrevski during the introductory speech at the session of the Council.

Mitrevski informed in this regard that CCM prepared its first program, which will last all year. This is considered as a different, more proactive way to implement what we have agreed with ITUC and ETUC, while the program is connected to other unions as well.

On Octomber 28 a Conference will be organized on "Safety and Health at Work - active labor law," which will bring together representatives of the European Union, many ambassadors and representatives and experts from Turkey.

At the meeting was told that the legal regulation of employment and social legislation has always been the most important mechanism for promoting the rights of work. This is the case with the draft law on European workers' councils, which is of utmost importance to installing participation in the enterprises. This law will meet several EU Directives. CCM had many suggestions in the preparation of the draft - law, which should soon be discussed in the three Assembly Committees.

ILO Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - EU FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG Организацијa на работодавачи на Македонија etuc