We are honored and pleased to have reached Agreement on the minimum wage in the state. This is a historic for the union and labor movement in Macedonia, said the president of CCM Zivko Mitrevski at the press conference convened on the occasion of the Agreement for minimum wage at national level.
We are pleased with the cooperation and constructiveness of our social partners, government, employers and other trade union confederations. We express our gratitude, because they showed courage and responsibility to the citizens. This is not cause for satisfaction only for the trade unions, because all subjects in the country especially employees will have great benefits.
Determining the minimum wage was set as our goal at the 18th Congress of CCM. Barely one year after we reached an agreement. We showed that this CCM leadership is for particular actions, and in my personal agenda I set particular goals and determined action.
Benefits from the first minimum wage will receive 65.000 workers, whose salaries are lower than the minimum. However, benefits will have also other categories of workers, as well as the employers. The minimum wage will reduce the gray economy and financial discipline will be achieved for eliminate unfair competition, said Mitrevski.
Minimum wage is not a static category, but is set at 39.59 % of the average monthly gross salary. This means that the minimum wage will be constantly adjusted and wage growth will change the amount - which now is 8050 denars net and gross 12 265 denars. The specified percentage is higher than the percentage in Spain, Slovakia and other European countries. In this regard we have entered into the European family of unions.
Mitrevski: the three social partners have shown great courage and responsibility to the citizens

Asked by reporters whether employers will be paid higher salaries, President Mitrevski responded that the Economic and Social Council heeded to determine the optimal amount, which will not burden businesses. No jobs and businesses will be closed. Time will tell whether we've hit the historical context and whether the decision is taken at the right time.
The press reporters asked about the situation in the two sectors, construction and textiles. President of the SGIP Pavel Trendafilov responded that the average amount paid in civil engineering is 5.500 denars and in building construction is 8.000 denars. On the other hand, capital investments are being introduced, and I don’t see any reason why employers in the construction industry can not pay wages above the minimum.
Andjelko Angelkovski, President of the Trade Union of workers for textile, leather and shoes industry of Macedonia, said that determining of the minimum wage is a step forward in these three sectors. It is known that the lowest wages are exactly in these sectors and for sure the minimum wage is major benefit.
In addition to the press, President Mitrevski briefed on the Draft Law on European Workers’ Councils. CCM participated in the project and the Law will soon be adopted in the Parliament.