SSM Presidency

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Members of CCM Presidency are:

Zivko Mitrevski, President of Trade Union of Workers in Forestry and Wood Industry and Energy of Macedonia;

Zivko Danevski, President of Trade Union of the Workers in the Agro-industrial Complex of Macedonia (AGRO Trade Union) ;

Zoran Georgievski, President of Trade Union of the Workers in catering, Tourism, Communal and Housing Economy, Handicraft and Protecting Associations of Macedonia (SUTKOZ);

Pavel Trendafilov, President of Trade Union of Civil Engineering, Industry and Design of Macedonia (SGIP);

Ljubisa Karanfilovski, President of Autonomous Trade Union of Health, Pharmacy and Social Protection of Republic of Macedonia;

Angelko Angelkovski, President of Trade Union of Workers in Textile, Leather and Shoe Industry of Republic of Macedonia (STKC) ;

Pece Ristevski, President of Trade Union of Industry, Energy and Mining of Macedonia (SIER);

Robert Simonoski, Autonomous Trade Union of Workers in Energy economy of Macedonia;

Miko Stojanovski, President of Trade Union of Workers in Traffic and Communications of Macedonia (SRSVM);

Peco Grujovski, President of Trade Union of the Workers in Administration, Juridical Authorities and Citizens’ Associations of Macedonia (UPOZ) ;

Zoran Mironovski, President of Trade Union of Chemistry and Non-metals and Metals of Macedonia (SHNM);

Tihomir Klimovski, President of Macedonian Police Trade Union (MPS);

Jordan Sandev, President of Trade Union of Postal and Telecommunication Workers of Macedonia (SPTRM).

Milovan Arsovski, President of Trade Union of Graphic, Informatics, Film, Publishing and Paper Production of Macedonia (GIFIH);

Goce Selovski, President of Trade Union of the Financial Organisations of Macedonia (SFDM);

Mirjana Hadzi-Skerleva, President of Trade Union of Workers in the Trade of Republic of Macedonia (SRTM);

Suzana Stefanovic, President of Multiethnic Trade Union of Education of Macedonia, (MESO)

Risto Ajtov, President of the Union of Defence and Security

The Presidency is consisted of the president of CCM, the secretary of the Council of CCM, and the presidents of the trade unions.

The Presidency has the following tasks and responsibilities:

  • to carry out all needed activities for realisation of the Programme and the Statute of CCM;
  • to adopt standpoints and decisions of its responsibility, to prepare draft-decisions and other documents of the domain of CCM’s Council;
  • to co-ordinate the activities of CCM and the trade unions on every level when it comes for  common tasks;
  • to inform the Council of its work;
  • to propose to the Council candidate for a president of CCM, general secretary of the Council of CCM and Vice-presidents;
  • to propose the agenda of the Council;
  • to propose to the Council alterations and amendments of the CCM Statute;
  • to organize the legal support on the level of CCM;
  • to follow regularly the economic, social and other issues concerning the position of the members and all the workers and undertakes concrete activities;
  • to review the initiatives of the trade unions and to include them in a procedure by its own estimation;
  • to determine the text and to give permission for signing of the general collective agreements;
  • to adopt a decision for internal organization of CCM
  • to implement the cooperation of CCM with national and international trade union organizations and associations, as well as with the NGO sector, for implementation of mutual goals and tasks;
  • to organise training and education of the trade union representatives;
  • to appoint, to give permission for appointment and election, and to relieve of duty;
  • to appoint and to relieve of duty of the managers of the trade associations, co-operations, saving banks, banks, etc.;
  • to organise the financial operations of CCM and to take care of the trade union property;
  • to organise the work  of the specialised staff in CCM;
  • to  organise the information activities in CCM;
  • to submit proposals to the Parliament of Republic of Macedonia, as well as to other state bodies, and to the organizations of the employers of Macedonia as social partners, for laws and other acts referring to the financial and social position of the workers;
  • to adopt Rules of procedure and other acts;
  • to establish commissions and bodies for different issues;
  • to perform other activities assigned by the Council of  CCM.

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