Caption 1. The President of CCM on the meeting
The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (CCM) and the Macedonian of Occupational and Safety Association (MOSHA) within the project "Strengthening the partnership of civil society and state institutions in the creation and promotion of the right to safe and healthy working environment - Basic human right "on 2.3.2016 in Stip organized a working meeting with the presidents of trade union organization in Stip and Probistip, representatives from the state Labor Inspectorate, employers, civil society organizations and representatives of the Law Faculty in Stip.
Theme of the working meeting was the OHS Law with a special focus on the position and role of the union representative for Occupational Health and Safety at Work and the OHS representative.
On the meeting, the Secretary General of regional union representative from Stip, Vanco Trajchevski presented the analysis related to OHS in Stip and Probistip.
Caption 2. Participants on the meeting
On the meeting all stakeholders used the opportunity to affirm the position and importance of the subjects, the coordination and partnership in terms of implementation of the obligations laid down in the OHS Law and especially the practical application of the amendments.
Also on this meeting his address had the President of CCM, PhD Zhivko Mitrevski who specifically emphasized the importance of this law.