1/29 - 2/1/2016
Caption 1. Participants on the Youth Camp
The Regional Trade Union Council "Solidarnost" in the framework of the project "On the way to the EU", organized a Youth Camp, with a workshop on "The Structure of young people in the unions in the Regional Trade Union Council" Solidarnost" and generally in the Western Balkans, and the situation of young people in trade unions and society which was held in hotel Millennium in Ohrid from 29.1. to 1.2.2016.
Caption 2. The President of CCM, PhD Mitrevski on the opening of the Youth Camp
The workshop was opened by the President of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (CCM), PhD Zhivko Mitrevski, and besides the representatives of the Youth Section of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SMSSM), representatives from the Youth Sections from the following TUs were present: Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Macedonia (KSS), Federation of independent trade unions of Serbia (SSSS), Nezavisnost Serbia, the Federation of Free Trade unions of Montenegro (USCG), the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Slovenia (ZSSS), the Federation of Trade Unions of Bosnia and Herzegovina (SSBiH), the Federation of Trade Unions of Republika Srpska (SSRS) and Federation of Trade Unions of Kosovo (BSPK).
The topic of the first day of the workshop was: Young people, as guarantors of the future of the Unions. Speaker was Goran Lukic, an associate in ZSSS who presented the youth structure in Slovenia and the successful campaigns conducted in the Western Balkan countries.
The President of the Youth Section of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SMSSM), M.Sc. Lidija Naskovska, had a presentation on "The situation of young people in trade unions and on the labor market in the Republic of Macedonia", in which she highlighted the work of the Youth Section, campaigns, consultations and amendments to the laws in the period from October 2015 until the end of January 2016.
As the most important activities that were highlighted were the following: launching of the campaign in the fight against undeclared work, training for affiliation of new members in multinational companies, the significance of the latest amendments to the OHS Law in terms of raising the role of the union representative and the Criminal Law, in the part of imprisonment for an employer who does not pay salaries, allowances and contributions or eventually he/she demands a return or dismiss the worker who submitted a file for a committed crime of the employer.
The representative of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Slovenia (ZSSS), Mladi Plus Sanja Leban Trojar presented the campaign "Social Networking", and examples of good practice.
The second day of the workshop was dedicated to: "Youth unemployment and vocational training". Speaker was Zelimir Stanic, an activist from ZSSS, Mladi Plus, and member of the Youth Committee of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).
Zelimir Stanic presented the structure of young people in the ETUC and the position of young people in trade unions and in society in general, giving examples of good practice and organizing, presenting the case of the Union DESK, the Union from Hungary and cases from other countries in the Southeast Europe.
Despite the fruitful discussion during the workshop and the reached conclusions, it was also noted that the continuous meetings of the Youth Sections, part of RSS Solidarnost is of a significant importance.