Caption 1. The delegation of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia led by the President, PhD Zivko Mitrevski
On 22 and 23 January 2015 in Belgrade, Serbia, in organization by the European Trade Union Confederation- ETUC, a capacity building seminar "Promoting and reinforcing the social dialogue" was held. The seminar was attended by the social partners from the Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. The delegation of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia was headed by the President of CCM, PhD Zivko Mitrevski, and consisted of: Angjelko Angjelkovski, President of STKC and General Secretary of the Council of CCM, Pavel Trendafilov, President of SGIP, Zivko Danevski, President of AGRO Union, Zoran Mironovski, President of SHNM and Milovan Arsovski, President of GIFIH. Also, this seminar was attended by other representatives of the social partners in Macedonia, the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Macedonia (KSS) and the Organization of Employers of Macedonia (ORM), as well as representatives of the Business Confederation of Macedonia (BCM).
The main objective of this seminar was to present the European social dialogue and its outcomes; the role of European and national level organizations; presenting the situation of collective bargaining at the national level and tools for implementation and monitoring of the European social dialogue.
Also, on the seminar the best practices and examples of national and sectoral social partners were presented by the European and international officials. The focus of this seminar was the creation of future activities and cooperation among social partners due to finding the best ways for building their capacities.
In accordance with the previous working programs, the European social partners have organized a series of seminars in the EU member states and candidate countries in order to promote and strengthen the social dialogue. This seminar was held in the framework of their current work program and the Integrated Projects of the EU Social Dialogue, 2014-2016, dedicated to building the capacities of the candidate countries.
During the seminar separate meetings with representatives of the employers and trade unions were held as well as joint plenary sessions.