Caption 1. European Conference and the European Committee Meeting of BWI
Great success and a confirmation of the activities of the Trade Union of Forestry, Wood Industry and Energy of the Republic of Macedonia (SSHDE) and the Trade Union of Construction, Industry and Planning of RM (SGIP) was verified on the European Conference and the European Committee Meeting of the Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) held on 16-17 October.
In the framework of conference which was devoted to BWI activities and implementation of sports campaigns as an opportunity and a challenge to unions, plan of activities 2014-2017 and priorities in 2015, the President of the Trade Union of Forestry, Wood Industry and Energy of the Republic of Macedonia, (SSHDE) and President of CCM, PhD Zivko Mitrevski and the President of the Trade Union of Construction, Industry and Planning of RM (SGIP), Pavle Trendafilov have been elected members of the European Committee of BWI.
Caption 2. Attendees on the meeting
The election of the two presidents as European Committee members is another confirmation of the activities of these two unions had in the implementation of the plan and program of their unions, but also the implementation of the strategy and activities of BWI, and the engagement in the ratification of the Convention on Procurement and signing of collective agreements.
Also a special conference of the Women section within the BWI was organized, dedicated to organizing women in forestry, wood industry and construction, as well as women's rights in collective agreements.