10/7/2014Caption 1: President of Youth Section, M.Sc. Lidija Naskovska, President of Women Section, Elizabeta Gelevska and MLSP representative, Goran Velevski
Today at the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia on the occasion of the celebration of October 7,- The World Day for Decent Work a debate titled "Basic principles of decent work” was held organized by the Youth Section and the Women Section of CCM.
On the debate beside the representatives from the Women and Youth Section of CCM, a representative of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Goran Veleski, was also present.
Decent work is the focus of the work of trade unions, not only in our country but around the world and represents their continued commitment. Namely, the International Trade Union Confederation- ITUC, on this day has a joint campaign of the national unions worldwide for decent work, with a special focus "Stop the precarious work."
The International Labor Organization- ILO, governments, employers and trade unions consider decent work as a source of personal dignity, family security, peace in communities, democracy, economic growth that increases opportunities for productive jobs and enterprises development, contributing to development of national economies as well as. At the same time it represents a key element to achieve a fair globalization and poverty reduction.
The world today faces a "deficit" of decent work. By this we mean unemployment and lack of commitment, poor quality and unproductive jobs, precarious work and precarious wages, violation of rights and gender discrimination.
The message of the ITUC is also a message of today's debate, continuing the fight to limit unsecure work through legislation and collective agreements. They play a key role in mitigating the unsecure employment and improve conditions for temporary work, working time, emphasized the President of the Women Section of CCM, Elizabeta Gelevska.
Caption 2: Participants on the debate
The President of the Youth Section of CCM, M.Sc. Lidija Naskovska, presented the topic of today's debate, especially focusing on the Idea and Concept of decent work, and stressed that "Decent work and its concept arise from the International Labor Organization, promoted in 1990, on the 87th International Labor Conference. It is based on the understanding that work is a source of personal dignity, democracy and general economic growth in the community. Decent work is a key element to achieve a fair globalization and poverty reduction. Also the idea of decent work is accepted by the World Summit of the United Nations, in 2005, followed by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) in 2006 and the World Social Forum held in Nairobi on which the campaign "Decent work, decent life "(2007) was launched and October 7th was declared a World Day for Decent Work."
The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) since 2008 has been celebrating the October 7 as the International Day for Decent Work. Over 100 countries in the world today celebrate the World Day for Decent Work.
Youth and Women, present on today’s debate could hear and receive information about the meaning of having a decent job, principles of decent work and efforts and activities that CCM has been realizing in the past to improve the situation of workers and to provide decent work.
The debate ended with the message "Stop the precarious work" and continuation of the implementation of decent work through the legislation and collective agreements in all working environments, not only in our country but around the world.