The Presidency of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia held its 42nd session on which several information have been reviewed: Information on the status of signed collective agreements and collective bargaining; information on the activities of CCM regarding the payment of annual leave allowances; information on the meeting of the Economic and Social Council and other current issues.
On the session of the Presidency of CCM most of the presidents of the branch trade unions affiliated in CCM have been present while absent were: Pece Grujovski, President of UPOZ, Pece Ristevski, President of SIER and Milovan Arsovski, President of GIFIH.
In his opening speech the President of CCM, PhD Zivko Mitrevski emphasized the importance of the collective bargaining and legitimizing of trade unions in the process for establishment of legal obligations between workers and employers. What was stressed was that this process must continually be realized with a commitment to establish appropriate committees in charge of part of branch activities within the structures of employers where they do not exist and to make joint efforts for their realization as well as the need to intensify the position of the relevant ministries in order to stimulate the process of collective bargaining. After the extensive discussion several conclusions were adopted as following:
- The system of collective bargaining established in labor legislation which is set on 3 basis with a possibility to sign collective agreements at employer’s level, branch level and general collective agreements in the private and public sector at the moment corresponds to the needs of the social partners for regulation of the legal working obligations and at this time the same should not be changed;
- The Presidency of CCM deems that due to the intensification of the collective bargaining process and signing of collective agreements in the future amendments to the Labor Law a new article is needed to be defined referring to commitment and responsibilities of the social partners to encourage the process of collective negotiation;
- Due to the implementation of the intensifying collective bargaining process, the Presidency of CCM deems that it is necessary to hold a separate meeting with the Organization of Employers of Macedonia, as a representative organization of employers and member of ESC, as well as holding a special conference on collective bargaining;
- Conducting a cycle of trainings for collective bargaining on employer’s level and
- Meeting with the Director of TIRZ.
Regarding the second item on the agenda an analysis on implementing the obligation of employers to pay annual leave allowances has been made and in relation to the information regarding the held meeting of ESC, the President of CCM informed that with the adoption of the amendments to the Law on Health and Safety at work once again the campaign of CCM has been strengthen and implemented which began on the occasion of the celebration of First of May and is dedicated to the amendments of this law upon a request of CCM for amendments that strengthen the positions in this area, especially in the control of the President of the trade union organization and trade unions in general. Also at the session of ESC held on September 15, 2014 the amendments to the Law on minimum wage were accepted in the area of increasing the penalties, which also gives an opportunity for closure of certain legal entities that do not paid minimum wage stipulated by the law. At this session of ESC a support to the Law on prohibition and prevention of unregistered activity was also given.
At the end of the session the President of CCM gave information regarding the activities of CCM for the establishment of the Center for training and education.