The working visits and working engagement of the leadership of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia continue.
The President of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, PhD Zivko Mitrevski, the General Secretary of CCM, Angelko Angjelkovski and the General Secretary of RTUS in Veles, Sebaedin Shakirov, on 30.7.2014 had a meeting with the mayor of the municipality, Slavco Chadiev, with whom had talks regarding the implementation of the Treaty on establishing LESC in Veles. On the meeting was concluded that the institutionalization of social dialogue at local level will be an additional contribution of local social partners in achieving the strategic goals of LESC, especially on the employment of young people, the process of harmonization of education etc.
On the meeting was also agreed that the headquarters of RTUS in Veles to remain in the existing building regardless that within that building is the local self government. Also subject of the meeting were further joint activities of CCM with the local self government.
The same day the management of CCM had a working visit in the leather company Dimko Mitrev from Veles, with the Director General Atanas Kirov. This company is unique and best known in the field of fur manufacture which cooperates with Swedish partner and the famous brand "Shepherd". The visit was used the leadership of CCM to be familiarized with the process of production, implementation of collective agreements, functioning of the union organizing in the company and the implementation of the OHS Law.
This company represents one of the few examples in which the commitments arising from the Labor Law, Collective Agreements and the OHS Law are consistently fulfilled.