Caption 1: The President of CCM, PhD Zivko Mitrevski, the President of SIER, Pece Ristevski on today's session of ESC
The social partners, members of the Economic and Social Council, on 24.07.2014, in the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs held the 23rd Session of the Economic and Social Council of this tripartite body dedicated to several key laws.
On this session proposals to the amendments of the Labor Law, the Law on Pension and Disability Insurance, Health Insurance Law, the Law on Contributions for Mandatory Social Insurance and the Law on Employment and Insurance in Case of Unemployment have been discussed.
Also on this session the amendment envisaged in the Draft Labor Law was discussed where the employee may request an extension of the employment contract with a written statement upon turning 62 or 64 years to life and a maximum of 65 years for women and 67 years for men. In this case the employer is obligated to continue the contract until the requested age of the employee.
The statement of the workers shall be done with a written statement that the employee shall submit in writing no later than 31 August of the current year in order to extend the employment contract.
By the amendments to the Labor Law also the publication of public notices is being defined, as well as the possibility of publishing posts electronically, their recording in the Employment Agency of the Republic of Macedonia, and the mandatory elements that public posts must comprise.
Also with this law the basis for payment of mandatory social contributions, pension and disability insurance is being introduced for persons employed with copyright contracts and contracts per service rendered as well as registering the employee for social insurance the day before the employee comes to work, and for urgent work the day the employee begins with work.
The amendments to most laws have been elaborated by the President of ESC and Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Dime Spasov and by Minister of Economy, Bekir Neziri.
By CCM’s representatives in ESC, the President of CCM, PhD Zivko Mitrevski and the President of SIER, Pece Ristevski, the position of the Presidency of CCM was elaborated which yesterday held its session and CCM gave a support to such amendments. They are the result of an agreement between trade unions, government and employers, thereby eliminating mandatory access and with fair solution workers are allowed to decide whether to continue their working life.
Also this adopted concept with given solutions was welcomed by the other social partners. Regarding other issues related to the laws a conclusion was adopted the issues to be review on a level of the Commission within the framework of ESC.